Once viewed as an adjunct to the general ledger of an accounting application and considered a tool for managing revenue recognition schedules and compliance, automated revenue management (ARM) is now seen as a must-have component of the modern finance organization. ARM software solutions help automate accurate and timely classification, scheduling, allocation, calculation, and presentation of revenue in the appropriate periods and amounts within accordance of national and global accounting standards and other regulatory mandates.

MGI MarketLens™ reports help companies better understand the relative positioning of technology suppliers within markets, simplify and accelerate solution evaluations, reduce risks, and optimize costs. Each MarketLens maps suppliers against a two-dimensional system of coordinates (see the Go-to-Market vs. Solution Strength MarketLens below).

There are four types of MGI MarketLens™ charts:

    1. Solution Strength vs. Go-to-Market Strength: Solution Strength represents a supplier’s MGI 360™ Product score, while Go-to-Market Strength is a composite of the supplier’s MGI 360™ Management, Channels, Strategy, and Finance scores.
    2. Complexity vs. Agility: Complexity refers to a solution’s ability to handle complex use cases and revenue arrangements, while agility refers to the agility of the ARM solution itself.
    3. Volume vs. Agility: Agility refers to a solution’s flexibility to quickly deploy new ARM capabilities and introduce changes, while volume refers to the volume of contracts and clauses an ARM solution can handle.
    4. Complexity vs. Volume: Complexity refers to a solution’s ability to handle complex use cases, while volume refers to the volume of data, orders, revenue lines, and revenue events an ARM solution can handle.

A graph with Solution Strength on the x-axis and Go-To-Market Strength on the y-axis

In this MarketLens™ Report, we map the Top 14 MGI Rated ARM software solutions by comparing each one’s go-to-market strength (the composite of management, channel, strategy, and finance scores) against its solution strength (product score).

The Key Takeaways from this report are:

  1. Zuora, Workday, SAP, BillingPlatform, and Sage Intacct score above average in both Go-to-Market Strength and Solution Strength.
  2. Workday, Zuora, and SAP attain the highest scores in Go-to-Market Strength.
  3. Zuora, RightRev, and SAP have the top three Solution Strength scores.

The 14 suppliers included in this report are:

MGI 360 Rated: Ayara, BillingPlatform, Certinia, Chargebee, Gotransverse, Maxio, Oracle, Oracle NetSuite, RightRev, Sage Intacct, SAP, Workday, Zone, and Zuora

Get the report to find out where these 25 ARM vendors fall on this MarketLens™. For more on these vendors, the ARM market, and the MGI 360 Ratings, get the ARM Top 27 Buyer’s Guide.

There are 3 additional MGI MarketLens™ reports for this specific group of vendors including:

  • MGI MarketLens™: ARM Agility vs. Complexity
  • MGI MarketLens™: ARM Agility vs. Volume
  • MGI MarketLens™: ARM Complexity vs. Volume