Evisort caters to midmarket and enterprise, B2X entities in IT/software, financial services, and healthcare industries in the US and Canada, seeking contract intelligence and AI-powered analytics. Evisort specializes in procurement and legal enterprise contract management. Customer feedback is mixed, with some praising the AI data extraction capabilities while others view the UI as unintuitive and the company’s in-house implementation process as uneven. As Evisort continues to evolve, continuous refinement of product maturity, implementation processes, and user experience will be critical for maintaining competitiveness.

What is Contract Management?

Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) is the process of strategically managing and leveraging the entire lifespan of legally binding agreements between two or more parties within a business context. CLM tools are evolving rapidly. Not long ago, CLM software described a relatively simple system for document management and e-signature. Today, mature CLM solutions employ AI/ML data capture capabilities to turn the contract management process into an intelligent, real-time system of record. For more about the evolution of CLM software, read The Six Stages of CLM Maturity.

What are MGI Use Case Notes™?

The MGI Use Case Note™ describes the ideal customer profile (ICP) for a given solution. It helps prospective buyers understand a product’s “best fit” by identifying its customers:

  • size
  • business models
  • selling regions
  • tech ecosystems
  • sales channels
  • primary verticals
  • and more


The aim is to help interested parties quickly and confidently narrow the list of suppliers that could meet a particular use case. It is not intended to describe the entire range of possible use cases, nor is it an in-depth analysis of the supplier or solution. (For in-depth analysis of a solution, see MGI 360 Ratings™.) See a sample Use Case Note here.

Get the report to see Evisort CLM’s ideal customer profile: