Zuora Revenue is an automated revenue management solution for B2B and B2C businesses operating in North America and the EU. Users who sell through direct, online, and/or through a channel will find a fit with Zuora Revenue. It is an ideal fit for companies with an XaaS model that need complex revenue recognition functionality at scale. Zuora Revenue also supports usage models and one-time offerings such as physical goods, products, and professional services.

The MGI Use Case Note™ describes the ideal customer profile for a given solution. It helps prospective buyers understand a product’s “best fit” by identifying the size, business models, selling regions, tech ecosystems, sales channels, primary verticals, and more of the target customer. The aim is to help interested parties quickly and confidently narrow the list of suppliers that could meet a particular use case. It is not intended to describe the entire range of possible use cases, nor is it an in-depth analysis of the supplier or solution. (For in-depth analysis of a solution, see MGI 360 Ratings™.)

This Use Case Note™ is not an endorsement of any type and does not reflect MGI’s latest 360 Rating™ of a vendor/ solution. For a quantitative, comprehensive rating of the company, product, technology, financial viability, and management team, please refer to MGI Research’s 360 Ratings.